11. When should I avoid yoga?

You're newly pregnant

In Bikram yoga we recommend that if you are newly pregnant it is better to avoid any NEW form of exercise. If however, you have already been regularly practicing Bikram Yoga for at least a year and have an established practice, we recommend you take a break from Bikram hot yoga during the 1st trimester. See our Pregnancy FAQ for more information.

You've had a serious injury, or major operation

Bikram Yoga is great for healing, but if the injury is recent, or you've just come out of major surgery, you may want to wait until your condition has stabilized before coming into class. If in doubt ask your doctor.

You're suffering from the early stages of a cold or flu

In the very early stages of a cold or flu you may find that hot conditions of the room and the profuse sweating may help to ease your symptoms. However, you may also wish to rest at home and come back when you are feeling better. In either case, hydrate well and eat moderately during recovery from illness. When you return, Bikram Yoga can be a great way to clean out the last traces of the illness.

You're fasting or undertaking a strong detoxing regime

If you're fasting for religious reasons (e.g. for Ramadan), or detoxing with a low calorie intake you may want to avoid Bikram Yoga during this time. Your body is already under stress and you may not have the 'fuel' for a Bikram Yoga class.

You've given blood today

If you've given blood today considering resting up and coming to Bikram Yoga the next day. Often giving blood can make people feel a bit weak or lightheaded, and it is best to rest.

You've had a colonic, acupuncture or other strong healing session today

On the day you have a colonic, strong massage or other body work, you may want to skip your Bikram class and come back the next day. The body sometimes needs time to assimilate a healing session without extra exertion.

You're dealing with an eating disorder

Bikram Yoga is a vigorous yoga practice. If you're not eating enough you may have difficulty. Please consult your doctor or healthcare professional before coming to class.

You're hung over

Drink a bit too much alcohol the night before? It is best to avoid Bikram Yoga if you are hung over because you may be severely dehydrated. Bikram is great for detoxing, but if you are too hung over, or even still under the effects of alcohol from the night before, your yoga experience may be quite stressful. Better to wait until the next day - yoga and alcohol don't mix!

You're under the influence of recreational drugs

Yoga is an ancient holistic healing practice and should never be mixed with any form of recreational drug use. That being said, Bikram yoga can be of great assistance for those who are in the recovery phase of drug or alcohol addiction.

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